The animation was absolutely horrendous. If your making madness flashes, I'm holding you up to Krinkles. And that sucked. Your tweens are very unrealistic, now go work on that.
The animation was absolutely horrendous. If your making madness flashes, I'm holding you up to Krinkles. And that sucked. Your tweens are very unrealistic, now go work on that.
wtf are u talkin about..ure making me fucking pissed right now! GET THE FUCK OUTA HERE
This was funny once, got old 2 years ago. Work on something more original.
I'm sure that the idea for this animation has been used many times before, but please understand that this is merely a side project that we did out of mere boredom and we just wanted to share with everyone else. If you're truly upset about this being "unoriginal", then I believe you should just keep it to yourself. If you're not going to provide actual constructive criticism, then you just wasted your time for posting this, and our time for reading something pretty hurtful. I've read some of your reviews, and I've noticed that you have given actual criticism that animators can work on, but do you really think that justifies you to lash out at us like that? Try to think and reconsider what you type next time, because most authors that you believe are "unoriginal" are trying to the best that they can be, and your hurtful words only push them back, which they don't really deserve.
-Syrus T. (Equivocal)
Read this entire thing before you get angry. The art work first off would be kinda cool if you were trying to make it look bad like that. I'm not saying you suck at drawing I'm trying to say a lot of it looks like real drawing with traced backgrounds. The frame by frame looks okay for a beginner but a lot more frames should go into making the animation. I would really try practing drawings of calvin and hobbes until you get something your comfortable without having to take to much refrence to draw. I would also suggest not tweening noticable things like hobbes face. I this makes you angry then just igonre it.
I must have matured or something because I used to lash out at people like you but i don't give a shit anymore.
This OranginaClock saying, dat wuz sum gr8 shit
Don't go and give me a boner now :shy:
i dont smile when i'm sad, work on lip syncing
amazing stuff
yay splatter
that was all cool! i'm glad swede was able to help splatter!
I am, too :P Thanks, Darrknox.
wow that was incredibly original and funny. I loved it when he "double" crossed his fingers, that must have hurt. i would give it a ten, but theres always room for improvement.
Indeed, I agree. Thanks for the review!
Tweenbags! thats halrious
Jo' Mama
(ex. - "Seattle, WA")
Joined on 10/9/05